Photography Blog

Napa Valley Wedding Connection Is Born!

After moving my photography studio to Napa, California, one of the most recognized destinations for weddings around the globe, it became clear to me that there was a need for a dedicated group of wedding professionals that could serve and support soon-to-be brides on a grander scale.  Services where a bride could find everything she needs to complete her day.

Over the last few years, I’ve met several very well respected members of the bridal community, we often spoke excitedly about the concept of this unique idea…  now I am SO pleased to announce that it is from these conversations and our collaboration that the Napa Valley Wedding Connection has been born.

Our team of passionate professionals (shown above from left to right) has now come together. We are: Sue Markwood – Make up, D’Ann Ford – travel agent, Sharon Burns – event planner, Kimberly Thompson – Officiant, Me – Christophe Genty – Wedding Photography, Penelope Jane Orsini – Master Baker and Lorie Clift – Paper and Elements.

The exciting thing about our team is the level of expertise we offer (with over 100 years of combined bridal experience) we are able to consult, support and facilitate a wedding on every level from beginning to end – a one stop shop for everything bridal!  I am honored to be a part of this one-of-a-kind professional team within my industry.

Check out our website to learn more at

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Family Vineyard Photography – Napa Valley

I met this charming family because my wife Nancy attends an early morning “boot Camp” work out with Tiffany (the mom here) aside from the fact that I am in complete awe of these devoted women who get up at the crack of dawn to work out each day, both our families share a dedication to and are involved in a charity called Tyler’s Team Charity of Napa, needless to say in more ways than one this family captured my heart.

As the winning recipient of a session I’d donated to Tyler’s Team we were all quite excited to be working together.  Luckily, the day of our photo shoot day was just beautiful – we had perfect weather as we shot at their picturesque home located in the middle of a gorgeous, Napa vineyard freshly covered with fall leafs.  Grandma Kuehl proved a fabulous assistant entertaining and keeping the 9 ½ year old twins giggling and smiling.

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